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Toni and Maria - hosts at the Hotel Alte Post in Grossarl

This is how you get to us
in the Alte Post Grossarl

Location & arrival
You can easily reach the Alte Post in Grossarl, Grossarl Valley, Salzburg province by car, train or plane.

Hotel Alte Post
Knapp family
Marktplatz 4 | A-5611 Großarl
Phone: +43 6414 207

Calculate route

You can see the best way to get to us with the Google Maps route planner. Please note our tips for your journey below. We wish you a safe and pleasant trip to Grossarl!

Arrival tips

Arriving by car

Arrival recommendation: from Salzburg or Villach on the Tauernautobahn A10 go to the Bischofshofen exit - expressway 311 to St. Johann im Pongau - take the road to Grossarl - in the village, at the first roundabout , drive in the direction of the village centre - after a few hundred metres, you will find the Alte Post in the middle of the town on both sides of the street (Haus Maria on the right, Haus Toni on the left).

Check-in parking spaces are on the right at the main entrance of Haus Maria.


For check-in, please use the short-term parking spaces directly in front of the hotel entrance. Then please come to check-in without luggage. We will then show you which of our parking spaces is the best place to park your car.

Arriving by train

If you arrive by train, it is best to drive to St. Johann im Pongau and we will pick you up there for only € 25,- per trip by car. Alternatively, you can also take the bus from St. Johann im Pongau to the centre of Grossarl. You can find the timetable here.

Anreise mit dem Flugzeug

The nearest airport is Salzburg Airport W.A. Mozart, about 76 kilometres from Grossarl. For the transfer from the airport to the hotel, we recommend Taxi Aigner or Taxi 600. Please order your transfer directly with these companies.

Useful information for those arriving by car

Winter tyres are compulsory from 1st November to 15th April, and snow chains are also compulsory on some roads. All-season tyres are not sufficient during this time!

Motorway tax & tolls: In Austria, motorway tax stickers are compulsory on marked roads. In addition, special tolls are payables for tunnels. You can get motorway tax stickers at many petrol stations and tobacconists. Tolls are paid at access barriers.

It is mandatory for everyone to carry safety vests in their car. In the event of a breakdown or an accident, you must wear this as soon as you exit the vehicle. You must also carry a first aid kit and a warning triangle.

Unless you have a hands-free system, you must not use your mobile phone while you are at the wheel. Alcohol is also a no-no: The blood alcohol limit is 0.5, and as low as 0.1 for new drivers.

Speed limits: Out of town/express roads 100 km/h, motorways 130 km/h, built-up areas 50 km/h, unless signposted otherwise

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